ST Catherine's School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The term Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH) covers a wide range of difficulties experienced. It is an umbrella term that describes a complex picture that includes emotional regulation and complex mental health issues. These can include trauma, attachment disorders, anxiety disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Children and young people with ADHD and ASD may have combined SEMH difficulties.  

SEMH children and young people may demonstrate behavioural difficulties as a result of emotional dysregulation, such as being hyperactive and lacking concentration; difficulty with social skills; being withdrawn or isolated; presenting challenging behaviours arising from other social needs. The term can therefore cover a wide range of educational needs, and can also include children whose behavioural difficulties are less obvious, for example anxiety, self-harming, depression or phobias - as well as those whose emotional well-being appears to be deteriorating.

Children with SEMH can have delayed learning progress profiles due to their ability to cope with school relationships and routines and it is a significant barrier to learning. SEMH can affect those of all intelligence levels and abilities and support is necessary in order for there to be progress and access to learning. In some cases, having a learning difficulty can lead to emotional dysregulation so further investigation and assessment is crucial.  

Some organisations that can offer advice, counselling and support: