Duke of York's Royal Military School

Useful websites and contacts

You will find below, a list of contacts that may be useful during your search for an independent school or boarding school


Army Families Federation www.aff.org.uk


BBC Bitesize www.bbc.co.uk/education
Boarding Schools Association www.boarding.org.uk


Capita Education Support www.capitaess.co.uk
Council for Independent Further Education www.cife.org.uk
Council of British International Schools www.cobis.org.uk
Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils (CReSTeD) www.crested.org.uk


Girls’ Day School Trust www.gdst.net
Girls’ School Association www.gsa.uk.com

Gov.uk - for student visas www.gov.uk/tier-4-general-visa/overview


Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools www.iaps.org.uk
Independent Schools Council www.isc.co.uk
Independent Schools Examination Board www.iseb.co.uk
International Schools Association www.isaschools.org


London International Schools Association www.lisa.org.uk
London Mums Magazine www.londonmumsmagazine.com


Montessori Education United Kingdom www.montessorieducationuk.org
Mumsnet www.mumsnet.com


National Association for Able Children www.nace.co.uk
National Association for Gifted Children www.nagc.org
National Day Nurseries Association www.ndna.org.uk
National School Transfer www.nationalschooltransfer.com
Netmums www.netmums.com


Ofsted www.ofsted.gov.uk


Pre-School Learning Alliance www.pre-school.org.uk


School Fees Planning www.schoolfeesplanning.org

Steiner Waldolf Schools Fellowship www.steinerwaldorf.org


Dallington School
Grace Education
Hazelwood School