Duke of York's Royal Military School

Ski Trip is a Huge Success!

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 21st of January 2013

This year, 48 very excited students from Year 11 to 13 travelled to Les Deux Alpes in France for a week of skiing and snowboarding galore. After the long trip, all of the students settled into their accommodation and were issued with their ski equipment, passes, snowboards and boots ready for the week ahead. The afternoon of arrival was left for them to recuperate and explore the resort.

On the second day, everyone headed out onto the slopes, which were in great condition, providing some superb skiing for all. Due to the heavy snow that had fallen, the skiers had an excellent opportunity to ski on the glacier and there was a great deal of opportunity to make fresh tracks in the daily-replenished powder!

The snow really couldn't have been better and the quality of instruction offered by the local ski school was fantastic. This was also shown, through no injuries at all on the trip, not even a trip or graze!

The nightlife in the resort was also really enjoyable for everyone, with the help of the traditional games evening, ice skating and bowling. Bowling was a great way to spend the evening and to allow each year group to integrate, allowing new friendships to be formed.

It is safe to say the group had a fantastic time and made some great new friends during the week. Thanks must to go to the bus drivers and the ski representatives for helping make the week run smoothly. Also a big thanks also to the Trent Staff who went along on the trip; Miss Hills, Mr Stevens, Mrs Rimington, Mr Bruzon, Mr Jones and Mr Saville.
Ski Trip is a Huge Success! - Photo 1
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