Duke of York's Royal Military School


Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 10th of November 2010

Once again, students from Years 11, 12 and 13 have achieved outstanding success at GCSE, IGCSE, Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced (A2) levels. At GCSE/IGCSE the pass rate at grades A star (S) to C reached 92% with 56% of passes at grades S and A. Bandeep Kaur achieved 8S and 3A grade passes and equally impressive is the fact that even our 40th ranked student achieved 1S, 3A and 3B grade passes.

At AS level, the pass rate at grades A to E reached 97% with 31% of all entries achieving grade A. Feixue Li entered five subjects and achieved grade A in all five. Shahin Khodei, Abdulahad Pervez, Jackie Lewington, Denzil Fernandes and Ahmad Hanafy all entered four subjects and achieved grade A in all four.

At A2 level, a pass rate of 100% was achieved including 13% at the new grade A star.(S) Incredibly, 46% of entries achieved grade S or A. Peter Abdelkodos entered four subjects, achieving 2S and 2A grades. Even the 11th ranked student achieved 1A, 2B (and 1B at AS level).

This year, once again, students from BSK have gained entry into some of the leading universities in the world including: University College London; the London School of Economics; the University of Southampton; the University of Exeter; the University of Edinburgh; the University of Toronto; the University of Waterloo; York University (Toronto); Carleton University and Notre Dame University to mention but a few.
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