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Wisdom organise a "Bags 2 School" collection

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 6th of February 2013

"Wisdom students continue building upon their Green credentials and success in last year's environmental competitions by organising a "Bags2shool" collection. This followed a successful, fact finding assembly where Wisdom's Eco-Warriors informed the rest of the student body about:
* Textiles make up 12% of landfill sites
* In one year discarded clothing would fill Wembley stadium
* Britain produces around 1 000,000 tonnes of textile waste a year. Roughly a quarter of this is recycled, mostly through jumble sales, clothes banks and charity shops and don't forget to tie your shoes together!
* By educating children on the importance of recycling with textiles in particular in mind the concept of textile recycling will become part of everyday life for generations to come.
Year 9 student, Aysenur Tekneci, stated, 'it was brilliant way to get rid off unwanted clothes and donating them to those who are less fortunate. We hope to carry on this success as we're also doing our bit for the environment.
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