The Gregg School

Attributes of Head of Godolphin acknowledged

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 4th of March 2013

Mrs Samantha Price, current Head of Godolphin School in Salisbury, has been appointed to the position of Headmistress of Benenden School, Kent, with effect from the summer of 2014.

Mrs Price was made Head of Godolphin in September 2010 and has achieved much in her time at the Salisbury school. Boarding, which is Mrs Price's passion, was restructured and a junior boarding option introduced. The boarding houses were refurbished and updated to provide a junior boarding house, Walters, and two senior boarding houses, Cooper and Sayers. These are in addition to the two Sixth Form boarding houses, School House and Jerred.

The Scholars' Programme was introduced by Mrs Price, as were the Scholars' and Prefects' Induction Service and Leavers' Service, both held in Salisbury Cathedral. Godolphin has strong links with Salisbury Cathedral and Mrs Price was appointed as a Lay Cannon at the Cathedral in October 2012.

Mrs Price was instrumental in Godolphin becoming only the third girls' school accepted in to the HMC (Headmasters & Headmistresses Conference) and the reintroduction of the CCF, making Godolphin one of only two girls' schools in the country to have a full time Combined Cadet Force.

In school, Mrs Price introduced the Pinny and Hymn Book service for the First Years, as well as a new uniform, in consultation with the Student Council, and the Sixth Form Centre Café, a proud to serve Costa outlet, was opened in September 2012.

'We are obviously sad that Mrs Price is leaving us' said Mr Michael Nicholson, Chairman of the Board of Governors 'but she will leave the school in excellent shape and we are very grateful for all she has done for Godolphin, which will continue to go from strength to strength.

'This has been one of the most difficult career decisions I have had to make. It would have been perfect to have another few years at Godolphin to see through some of our exciting plans but the opportunity to return to the roots which I built up previously in Kent, and the headship of a full boarding school like Benenden, were irresistible' said Mrs Price.
Attributes of Head of Godolphin acknowledged - Photo 1
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