The Gregg School

Trent College Politics Students Explore Downing Street

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 11th of March 2013

On Monday 25th February, all of our Year 12 Politics students went to on an educational visit to London. Upon arrival, the group had a quick tour around the Palaces of Westminster before being shown both the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The students then had a unique opportunity to visit Downing Street. The Prime Minister was in at the time of the tour of the building, but was unfortunately too busy to meet the group; apparently he was entertaining the new US Secretary of State, John Kerry!
Although David Cameron was busy, the students did get the chance to meet our local MP, Jessica Lee, in one of the committee rooms.
In the afternoon the students visited the UK Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the country. They went into the public gallery to hear the cases that were being heard and were enthralled by the lively debate. Year 12 student Harriet Dilks commented, 'It was incredible to believe that any decision made by this court is the final decision and will have major implications on the lives of people in the UK.'
On the whole, it was a great day out and the students look forward to further discussion and debates about their visit back in the classroom!
Trent College Politics Students Explore Downing Street - Photo 1
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