Duke of York's Royal Military School

Durham School hosts the inaugural Veterrimi IV Rugby Tournament

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 17th of November 2010

The inaugural Veterrimi IV Rugby Tournament, hosted by Durham School, took place on Saturday 23 October and despite the unrelenting rain, rugby fans turned out in their hundreds to be part of this special day. Durham School and Rugby School battled it out in the final, with the A J Dingle Trophy finally going to Rugby School. The event received extensive coverage by Sky Sports Rugby Club News and Sky Sports News as well as coverage by BBC Look North, Metro Radio, the national and local press as well as the specialist rugby press.

The day saw some close run matches and outstanding sportsmanship and congratulations must go to all four teams. Results in order:

Durham 7 Rugby 10
Cheltenham 5 Sherborne 0
Durham 8 Chetenham 0
Rugby 7 Sherborne 10
Durham 10 Sherborne 0
Rugby 10 Cheltenham 0

3rd place playoff: Cheltenham 17 Sherborne 12
Final: Durham 5 Rugby 7

Congratulations to Rugby School. We are all looking forward to the next one!

V4 Ball A Truly Magical Night!

In the evening, the V4 Ball took place at the Ramside Hall Hotel on the outskirts of Durham City attended by 350 guests including the Newcastle Falcons Team, many Old Dunelmians, our MC and Auctioneers Doddie Weir, Andy Perry and guest speaker, Mr Andrew Robson on behalf of his father's charity, the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation. A total of £4000 was raised for the charity through collection buckets at the tournament and half of all proceeds from the auction and raffle on the night. Guests were entertained during the champagne reception by international magician, Paul Lytton a truly magical night!

A Durham School parent summed up the event: 'I think all of the boys totally 'got' the special historic occasion Durham School had created. Our boys seemed confident even when faced with teams from much bigger schools which were largely an unknown quantity... but wasn't the standard of rugby from Durham School excellent! Lewis Hall in particular really stepped up to his Captaincy. Whilst I do feel disappointed that Durham didn't win on the day I do think it may ensure the survival of the tournament, Rugby will no doubt be proud of being part of and winning such an innovative and historic tournament�it was even wonderful to see Richard Appleby present the Trophy to his old school�Durham School had created a magical moment.'
Durham School hosts the inaugural Veterrimi IV Rugby Tournament - Photo 1
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