Copenhagen International School leaderboard

"The best and most enjoyable phase of their life"

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 16th of May 2013

I have had 4 children at this school and they are truly wonderful people. Kind and thoughtful about others, motivated and positive with their thinking and these sorts of attributes come not only from being brought up well at home but very much endorsed by the school environment. They would tell you that being at Swanbourne House School was the best and most enjoyable phase of their life, one that they often talk about amongst themselves and their piers. I as a parent, I will always look back and know that the we gave them the best ever start, not only with education but with helping to mould their characters. Sound morality and an excellent work ethic , twinned with heaps of good fun and lots of laughter ,all help towards building excellent members of our future society. I am fully expecting that my link with the school will continue through future grandchildren as this school had got it so very right, that the rest will only ever be second best.
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