Please Sir! Can I Have Some More?
Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 11th of June 2013
Just before half term, over 80 children from Years 5&6 performed in the Middle School play, Oliver! The 300 seat auditorium in the new Performing Arts Centre was packed as parents, friends, family and staff, were treated to three spectacular performances which showcased the extraordinary talent of the pupils involved.From the depressing workhouse, to the streets of London and Fagin's den, the youngsters displayed their superb acting and singing ability. Those not involved on the stage took over the running of all elements of theatre management including lighting, sound, props, front of house and musical director and director's assistants.
The gentle humming and singing of favourites such as Food Glorious Food, Consider Yourself and I'll Do Anything can still be heard around school from time to time!