Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 11th of July 2013
REMARKABLE INSPECTION RESULTS CONFIRM CRANMORE SCHOOL'S STATUSCranmore Schools' new ISI Inspection Report just published has confirmed the school's status as one of the leading prep schools in Surrey and the South East. With a raft of top grade results, the school has been awarded Excellent in all categories for Year 1 through to Year 7 and the corresponding grade of Outstanding for Bright Stars Nursery and Reception (Early Years Foundation Stage).
The Independent Schools' Inspectorate Report covers every aspect of pupil development, welfare and achievement plus the regulatory elements and governance of the school. 'The new Inspection regime introduced in 2012 is extremely rigorous and puts the entire school under the spotlight,' explains Headmaster, Michael Connolly. 'There are 12 judgements, each of which is supported by a wealth of detail and observation. Cranmore has been awarded an impressive set of 'Excellents' across the board and this is a great tribute to our pupils, staff and governors.'
The 470-pupil boys' prep school is already known for its high academic standards and its sporting and musical prowess. The attainment of the highest possible judgements for other strengths of the school such as pastoral care; curricular and extra-curricular provision and the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development represent additional high points for the school.
A top grade Inspection Report is a relatively rare phenomenon and it confirms that the school's aim of enabling every child to reach his full potential is at the core of Cranmore's success.