Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Excellent A Level Results

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 19th of August 2013

St Benedict's School is celebrating another set of excellent A Level results. The largest Upper Sixth cohort in the school's history achieved a record 43.6% A*/A grades.
Twenty-five students achieved three or more grade As and thirty-eight students achieved at least 2As and a B. Top performers included Jarrod Joshua, Joseph Kelly, and Head Girl Laura Makhoul all with 3A* and 1A and Grace Cowell, Bill Lansbury and Harry McAdam with 2A* and 2 A grades. All three Oxbridge students secured their places Bill Lansbury and Laura Makhoul to Cambridge and Joseph Kelly to Oxford. Head Boy Alex Somerville also secured his place at Medical School in Nottingham University.
In addition seven students took the Extended Project Qualification, gaining one A*, four As and two Bs.
Headmaster Chris Cleugh was delighted with the results. 'I would like to congratulate our students on a very high level of performance. We have exceeded our targets which were set ambitiously. This has been an outstanding year group, not only in terms of academic achievement, but also in the way they have involved themselves in the life of the School, in all its aspects. They have been excellent role models for the younger pupils and I wish them well in their further studies. I would also like to thank the staff at St Benedict's for their hard work and dedication.'
Excellent A Level Results - Photo 1
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