New School Officials at St Benedict's
Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 4th of September 2013
Karina Walker (Head Girl) and Joseph Curran (Head Boy) have been appointed as the top school officials at St Benedict's for this academic year. They will be assisted by Deputies Ilayda Nijhar, Francesco Orlando, Ellis Ozols and Emily Peacock.Karina Walker joined St Benedict's in September 2012, at the start of the Sixth Form. She is studying English Literature, Maths, Spanish and History, and is applying to Oxford University to read English Literature. 'Despite having only been at St Benedict's for a year, I have found it incredibly easy to integrate myself within its welcoming community, and feel extremely honoured to have been appointed Head Girl this year. My integration into the school has been made all the easier by the presence of a younger brother and sister in the junior school, as well as a younger sister within the senior school. There are a wide range of co-curricular clubs available at school, and I have particularly enjoyed being part of the Hockey team and achieving Grade 8 LAMDA.'
Joseph Curran joined St Benedict's in Pre-Prep One and, in his last year at the Junior School, was also appointed Head Boy. He is studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Further Maths and doing an EPQ. He is applying to Cambridge University to read either natural sciences or engineering. 'I have always enjoyed my time at St Benedict's. Since moving to the Senior School I have taken part in as many as possible of the diverse range of societies and activities such as SVP and DofE. I particularly enjoy music and play in several ensembles including the orchestra and flute ensemble. St Benedict's has provided so many wonderful opportunities for me over the years but the HCPT Pilgrimage to Lourdes during the Lower Sixth has been the most special. Spending the week helping children with special needs really put our lives in perspective and made me appreciate just how much we take for granted.'
Headmaster Chris Cleugh said: 'I congratulate Karina and Joe on their appointment and wish them and all our school officials a fulfilling and successful year.'