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Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 1st of October 2013

Oundle School's 'Have a Go Day' (HAGD) has been running for twenty nine years and has established itself as a favourite date in the special needs clubs' and schools' calendars. On the gloriously sunny afternoon of Sunday 22 September, over 100 visitors to the School, hosted by over 150 pupils, took part in various activities including swimming, badminton, basketball, archery, football, indoor rowing, crazy golf, face painting and art.

Liz Dillarstone, Head of Community Action at Oundle School commented, 'HAGD is a really encouraging environment in which our visitors can try their hand at new sports and activities in a safe and familiar environment. It is lovely to see the faces of our guests light up at the prospect of sampling activities which many people take for granted. Our pupils are privileged to host them.'

Some visitors make a bee-line for their favourite activity as soon as they arrive; the archery is always extremely popular and well supported. Others like to try their hand at rounders or cricket and football is always popular.

Head of School, Lily Morrish- Postlethwaite (17) commented, 'Have a Go Day is incredible - I was helping out with swimming and it was so rewarding to see everyone enjoying themselves. Some were even pushing themselves to swim as far as they could underwater and with a little encouragement they were able to achieve things that wouldn't be possible without the support and opportunity that HAGD provides.'

Pupil, Ed Ashton-Johnson (17) added, 'The cricket stall was an exciting activity with some enthusiastic participants of all ages. It was a gorgeous day as the weather was in our favour it felt like summer was still in the air which gave the cricket an edge.'

Pupil, Charlotte O'Dea (17) commented, 'I had the pleasure of being the guide for 12 year old Amelia. She was very shy at the beginning and didn't say very much so it was wonderful to see her confidence grow as the afternoon went on. We tried everything from arts and crafts to archery and even rowing! Seeing the smile on her face when she did well made the day worthwhile and being given a letter and drawings done especially for me was an added bonus. Both she and her family appeared to have had a great time and are all looking forward to the next HAGD where I hope to see them again.'
Pupil, George Smale (17), 'This year's Have a Go Day was both enjoyable and rewarding. All of our guests seemed to have an extremely entertaining Sunday afternoon and were eager to join in.'

Any clubs wishing to be notified of future events should contact Oundle School Community Action department on 01832 277267 or email for further details.

'HAVE A GO DAY' - Photo 1
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