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Official report praises St Leonards

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 13th of January 2011

St Leonards offers its boarding pupils, 'An outstanding, Scottish, boarding experience.'

That's the conclusion of the latest Care Commission inspection report on the accommodation service provided by the St Andrews School.

The official report, carried out after both arranged and unannounced visits earlier in the year, awarded St Leonards the top rating of excellent in the two areas under review: 'quality of care and support' and quality of environment'.

Equally as impressively, within these two themes, the School which has 121 boarding pupils from a roll of over 500 was graded as excellent in every one of the individual markers against which it was assessed.

According to the Care Commission, 'Boarding pupils are cared for in a nurturing and compassionate environment,' and 'All parents told us that St Leonards had promoted their children's confidence and independence, providing achievement in an all round sense, not just academically.'

The report also praised the School's ongoing communication and consultation with pupils and parents, its catering and healthcare services, its child protection policies and the excellent relationship between boarding pupils and boarding staff.
Headmaster of St Leonards, Dr Michael Carslaw, said, 'Being the leading International Baccalaureate school in Scotland means that boys and girls are coming here to board from all over the UK and beyond.

'It's great to be able to offer them a boarding experience that has been rated so highly by the Care Commission.
'I'm especially delighted that the report praises the Scottish nature of a St Leonards education as this is a feature of which we are immensely proud.'
Official report praises St Leonards - Photo 1Official report praises St Leonards - Photo 2Official report praises St Leonards - Photo 3
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