Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Prior Park Pupils welcome new Head

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 13th of January 2011

New Headmaster, Mr Mark Pearce was given a warm welcome by the pupils of Prior Park Preparatory School, Cricklade when he joined the school at the start of term. Mr Pearce was formerly the Deputy Headmaster (Academic) of St John's Beaumont School in Windsor. Mark spent six years in banking before his teaching career during which he has taught in senior, as well as prep schools. Previously he was the Deputy Headmaster of Bromsgrove International School in Thailand. He is an athletics coach, a keen swimmer and experienced rugby player. He has two children who have also joined Prior Park. .

Mark joins the school at a time when both academic, cultural and sporting standards are exceptionally high. Thirty four scholarships have been awarded in the last two years to top senior schools and a number of pupils have represented their sport at national level. A tour to Venice is arranged this year to encourage the children's musical and artistic talents. The Pre-Prep is flourishing and the newly opened Nursery for three year olds is proving extremely popular. Early registration for Nursery and Reception for 2011 is highly recommended. Visits can be arranged at any time by contacting the Registrar on 01793 750275. The next open days will be held in March. More information is available on the website
Prior Park Pupils welcome new Head   - Photo 1
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