Duke of York's Royal Military School

Inspiring People Series The Hon Tim Knatchbull delivers inspiring lecture

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 24th of October 2013

The Hon Tim Knatchbull delivered an inspiring, emotional and honest lecture at Godolphin recently as part of the Inspiring People series.

Mr Knatchbull, author of From A Clear Blue Sky The Mountbatten Bomb, spoke eloquently of his childhood, his loving family and the devastating affect the bomb had on them. Mr Knatchbull lost his identical twin brother in the bombing.

A thank you note summarises the evening perfectly:

'Thank you for organising tonight's talk by Tim Knatchbull. I truly think it was an exceptional evening and those of us who were able to be there were very privileged. In a series of talks by 'Inspiring People', it completely lived up to its billing. One can only imagine what he has been through in losing so many family members in such a traumatic way (not least, of course, his twin brother), but to hear him talk and to see someone who has come to be so at peace with himself and the world was a great privilege and provided great food for thought.
It was a very good evening. I am certain that everyone there would have felt very moved�'

The next event in the Inspiring People Series is the hosting of BBC4's Any Questions on Friday 22 November. Tickets are available, at no charge, through boxoffice@godolphin.wilts.sch.uk

For further information on the Godolphin Schools please contact:

Mrs Moyra Rowney
Marketing Manager
Inspiring People Series The Hon Tim Knatchbull delivers inspiring lecture - Photo 1
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