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Two Deputy Heads are better than one at Port Regis

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 5th of November 2013

Port Regis began the new academic year with two new Deputy Heads James Webb Deputy Head (Academic) and William Brooks, Deputy Head (Pastoral). They are both extremely excited to be at Port Regis and talk about their first impressions, the reasons behind their decisions and what they hope to bring to the school.

James Webb (who joins the school from Harrow), commented when he saw the advert for the job of Deputy Head (Academic), 'It seemed to have everything I was looking for: a new professional challenge after five years at Harrow, a beautiful place to bring up young children and the opportunity to embellish my CV with the name of one of the most highly regarded prep schools in the country. Harrow and Port Regis are not that different, really. On the day of my interview, I was astounded at the quality, range and beauty of the buildings and facilities. There aren't too many independent schools let alone prep schools that could boast the same level of provision for their pupils. But it's not all about appearances: when you scratch beneath the surface, you find the most dedicated and talented teachers who go that extra mile every single day to make this school the special place it is. The children are happy, the staff are happy, and everyone feeds off one another's enthusiasm to keep the place buzzing. If I had wanted to be flippant I would have first mentioned the amazing hot lunches no wonder the parents are so keen to join us for a bite to eat on match days!'

As for his plans and what he hopes to achieve 'Through intelligent setting and timetabling, we will continue to offer an outstanding education to every child who gets a place at Port Regis, whatever his or her academic ambitions may be. I'm lucky enough to join a body of experienced and widely-qualified teaching staff who have not only helped their pupils secure scholarships at places like Marlborough, Eton and Sherborne; they also know how to get the best out of the children who were struggling when they first arrived. The school motto says everything about the philosophy that I want to sustain here: altiora peto 'I seek higher things'. (Oh, and I want to keep on winning all those hockey and rugby cups too, although strictly speaking that's not part of my job description.)'

William Brooks (who was previously at Sunningdale School) said 'My first impression was WOW! I was simply blown away by the stunning grounds and the first-class facilities Port Regis has both in abundance. It is, however, the pupils and the staff that really make a school tick, and they too did not disappoint. Port Regis is a community that buzzes with energy and purpose; it provides a unique setting for children to flourish both in and out of the classroom, and houses a dynamic and highly committed team of staff. Having spent seven blissful years at Sunningdale, a Premier League school, I felt it was time to shift up into the Champions League and Port Regis more than fits that bill.'

When talking about his role as Deputy Head (Pastoral) 'I am effectively in charge of the children's happiness and I intend to make sure that we have the systems and people in place to ensure that the pupils are safe, secure and positively engaged with the community around them. I firmly believe that any member of staff in charge of discipline should not be seen as a demonic figure who is simply there to devise various unpleasant sanctions instead he or she should be focussed on promoting and praising positive behaviour when and wherever it takes place and more importantly encourage more of it.

I'm not the only new member to the school as I have three young children who are joining Port Regis with me; I know that they will thrive here and we, my wife included, are hugely excited about the adventure ahead of us.'

Port Regis welcomes visitors to the school at any time and visits can be arranged by telephoning the Admissions Department on: 01747 857914 or emailing: admissions@portregis.com.
Two Deputy Heads are better than one at Port Regis - Photo 1
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