Copenhagen International School leaderboard

A comfortable win!

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 4th of December 2013

In mid November, four Oundle School mathematicians won the Regional final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge at Warwick University.

Heidy Kang (18), Mikhail Bobkov (18), Matthew Ho (16) and Matthew Barringer (16) pitted their wits against 16 teams from the Midlands area.

Heidy commented, 'All four of us are good at different areas of Maths. Prior to the event, the team spent a lot of time together practising past papers and team work.'

The team achieved full marks in both the group round and relay round and only lost 6 marks out of 64 in the cross-number round. They won the competition a comfortable 24 marks ahead of the school that came second and have now been invited to participate in the National Finals to be held at the Camden Centre in London on the 4 February 2014.

Maths teacher, Nick Turnbull commented, 'Having come second in the regional heat the previous two years, I am thrilled that Oundle has made it to the national final! The team worked really effectively together and I gather surpassed King Edward's School, Birmingham, who won the heat held in Solihull.'

In 2013, 38 Oundle pupils received Gold awards in the Senior Maths Challenge, 62 Silver and 66 Bronze. Ten pupils achieved 100 in the recent Senior Maths Challenge which was the breakpoint for automatic qualification to the next round - The British Maths Olympiad BMO1. In addition, 16 pupils qualified for the Senior Kangaroo Challenge. Heidy Kang was awarded a distinction in the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls.

A comfortable win! - Photo 1
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