Duke of York's Royal Military School

CCF fly the flag for St Benedict's

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 30th of June 2014

Staff Sergeant Foley, Sergeant Cesarz, and Corporals Bell and Maroo from St Benedict's School CCF, accompanied by Second Lieutenant Sadiq, travelled to City Hall in London to celebrate Armed Forces Week. The event was a flag-raising ceremony attended by the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. He gave a rousing speech, thanking the Armed Forces for their work in various environments, from the recent distribution of sandbags in Croydon to operational tours in the Middle East. He paid tribute to the nine who have lost their lives since last year's flag-raising.

Staff Sergeant Foley said: 'We listened attentively whilst standing with other Cadets and regular army officers. We received our words of command from RSM Stokes of the Coldstream Guards, who is next in line to become the GSM, the most senior non-commissioned rank in the British Army. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day, and it was a privilege to represent the Combined Cadet Force and St Benedict's at such an important occasion.'
CCF fly the flag for St Benedict's - Photo 1
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