
Securing University Places

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 19th of August 2014

Against a national picture of fewer high grades, Ashford School students have once again shown their ability and determination. Overall the number of A*'s has increased to 15% with over half of all grades at A*/A and nearly 80% at A*-B. Almost two thirds of the Year have achieved or done better than the threshold for entry into the UK's top universities (A,B,B) and the number of UCAS points gained per student is equivalent to A,A,A. Just under one third of all students achieved three or more A*/A grades with over half achieving two or more.

Most importantly, indications are that most have gained places at the university of their choice including places to read Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Engineering, Psychology, History, Chemistry, Statistics, Law, Neuroscience, Politics etc. A number of students are "trading up" and others are still awaiting final outcomes from universities, Provisionally, about two thirds have accepted offers at their first choice institution with about 60% being at Russell Group universities. Nearly four out of ten places are at UK Top Ten universities and over a fifth at World Top Ten universities: a remarkable achievement.
Securing University Places - Photo 1
Eastwood online school
Sherfield School
Christ College Brecon
Palmers Green High School