Students raise £1000 for Ebola
Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 6th of January 2015
It was wonderful to see the whole Bedales community express their support for the Go Blue for Ebola initiative by wearing every conceivable shade on Wednesday 26 November. Organised by sixth formers' Cameron Cross and Esme Allman, and OB Patrick Burrowes, the event saw students of all ages donning blue garments in support of the troubling epidemic in West Africa. On top of this, I was lucky enough to put into action a fantastic initiative by Digby Neave (6.2), in which students took part in a charity lottery. Their contribution shall go directly towards the fantastic work of MSF, the French medical charity supplying doctors working at the very heart of the humanitarian issues of the day; one lucky student will be awarded a cash prize to spend as they please. Currently, the total amount raised stands at £1,924.44 with donations still being made through the Justgiving page from Bedalians and also other schools who have been motivated to join the cause.By Jack Merrett, 6.2