Duke of York's Royal Military School

Two Bedalian prize-winners at HMC Eisteddfod

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 6th of January 2015

The HMC Conference, this year at the Celtic Manor in Wales, held a competition for schools to celebrate the creative arts entitled 'Finding a Voice', consisting of poetry, choral composition, and visual arts (painting, sculpture, lens media). Among the judges was acclaimed Welsh choral composer Paul Mealor; Peter Monkman of Charterhouse, former winner of the BP Portrait Award, judging the Visual Arts section; and the National Poet of Wales Gillian Clarke who judged the Poetry section.

Bedales was the only HMC school to have two prize-winners out of the 260 schools eligible for the competitions. Georgina Ullman (6.2 leaver, 2014) won the poetry prize and was invited to perform her poem 'Accent', at the Celtic Manor in front of a large audience of Heads. Chloe Zhao (6.1) was specially commended for her sculpture 'Sleeping Buddha', and was invited to the presentation awards to meet Peter Monkman.

Chloe reveals the inspiration behind her sculpture: 'This work reflects the tragic destruction of an ancient culture and way of life under Mao. The brutal 'Cultural Revolution', was in stark contrast to the peaceful meditative world of Buddhism. My family and all the people of China were affected by Mao and the red scarves and book become symbols of the blood that was spilt.'

The 'Sleeping Buddha' features as the cover image in last month's HMC magazine 'Insight', followed by further details on each piece.
Two Bedalian prize-winners at HMC Eisteddfod - Photo 1
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