The Gregg School

CHS are BPW Public Speaking Regional Champions!

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 3rd of March 2015

Colchester High School are today incredibly proud of their Senior Public Speaking Team, Max Salt, Amelia Elliott and Megan Tookey who took first place in the BPW London Anglia South East Public Speaking Competition Area Final on Sunday 1st March. Max Salt also took the individual prize as best Chairman.

Mrs Anderley Hampson, team coach, said 'Our pupils impressed the judges with their professional and personable presentations and we are so proud of their achievement especially given the amazing standard of competition.

The team will be travelling to Moreton Hall School, Oswestry, Shropshire for the National Final on Saturday 21st March.

Mr Young, Principal said 'Our pupils have performed extremely well and we wish them all the best of luck for the final. I would also like to thank all the staff, friends and family of the competitors who have been so supportive of all the training activities and who have accompanied the team to the competitions'.
CHS are BPW Public Speaking Regional Champions! - Photo 1
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