Duke of York's Royal Military School

College Choir Produce 6th CD

Published on isbi School News dated Sunday 20th of March 2011

January 2011 saw the release of the Abbey Gate College Chapel Choir's sixth CD. It contains a compilation of live recordings from the Choir's two previous tours to Northern Italy and Belgium. The 70 strong choir is lead by the College's musical director Stewart Smith, while the CD was produced and edited by Lower Sixth Former Edmund Le Brocq and the cover design and artwork completed by Upper Sixth Form student Emilia Lommano. The production and distribution of the CD has been organised by Sibee Records, Lancashire and it is available to buy direct from the College, priced £10 or at £12.50 in the shops.

Following the success of the two previous tours the Chapel Choir will be singing in St Pauls Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, later this year.

Pictured are Edmund and Emilia with some members of the Chapel Choir.

College Choir Produce 6th CD - Photo 1
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