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Leweston School Celebrates Inspection Findings

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 21st of April 2015

Leweston Senior School, near Sherborne, Dorset is delighted with the findings of its recent ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) inspection report. Leweston was given the top 'excellent' judgment for the quality of its academic and extra-curricular provision and achievements, the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, pastoral care and the quality of the school's boarding provision.

The school is also celebrating strong inspection reports for Junior Department Boarding and the Early Years Foundation Stage. The school is delighted with the outcomes of both reports, which commend the provision we offer to our young boarders and recognise the strong foundations that have been built in the Early Years Foundation Stage, especially given the rapid expansion of Leweston's Nursery and new baby unit since September.

Adrian Aylward, Leweston Headmaster, commented, 'I am delighted with the outcome of the reports, which provide external verification of all that I believe to be true at Leweston: that the quality of the pupils' academic achievement and learning is excellent, as are their extracurricular achievements which are underpinned by our outstanding curricular, extracurricular and pastoral provision. It is gratifying that the reports acknowledge not only that our pupils achieve well academically, but that the less tangible indicators of success, such as personal, spiritual and moral development, so fundamental to what we offer at Leweston, are also excellent. These judgements are borne out in the many achievements at Leweston over recent months with the pupils, as ever, committing themselves across the spectrum of school life and generating outstanding successes across a range of disciplines.'

Find out more at Leweston's upcoming open morning on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May.
Leweston School Celebrates Inspection Findings - Photo 1
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