
Nursery through to Upper Fifth

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 11th of June 2015

St Benedict’s School has reached another milestone with the very first Nursery entrants in September 2002 now sitting their GCSE exams in the Upper Fifth. Congratulations to the magnificent nine, young men now, and good luck to them in their exams: Luke Cassidy, David Cuss, George Johnson, Noel Lavery, Alvin Lee, William Poyntz, Christopher Pullen, Will Taylor and Michael Vangelatos. Although the Nursery was co-educational from the start, the girls did not have the opportunity of progressing through to Pre-Prep 1 until the Junior School started admitting girls in September 2007. St Benedict’s now offers co-education from 3 years through to 18 and most of the Nursery children go on to PP1 and further. Last September twenty-one children came over from the Nursery to the Junior School.
Nursery through to Upper Fifth - Photo 1
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