Excellent A Level Results at St Benedict’s
Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 20th of August 2015
Sixth Form students at St Benedict’s School, Ealing are celebrating some excellent A Level results. The school bucked the national trend, increasing the percentage of both A* (10%) and A*-A grades (37.6%), with a total pass rate of 99.4%. 18 students achieved three or more grade A*/A grades, 32 students achieved at least 2As and a B while 47 students gained an A grade and two Bs or equivalent. Top performers were Daniel Makhoul, Anthony Sa’id and Vasilije Spaic with three A* grades each and a further five students gained 2A*s and at least one A grade: Assisi Azzopardi, Madeline Brooking, Tristan Byrne, Sam Lewis and Stelios Souvaliotis. Headmaster Chris Cleugh said: “I am delighted that our percentage of the top grades is up on last year. I congratulate our students who have worked hard to achieve these excellent results and I thank the teaching staff for their professionalism and dedication.”