Northwood College student receives top Award for A Level result
Published on isbi School News dated Monday 11th of April 2011
Congratulations go to one of Northwood College's former Year 13 students, Shreya Sheth, who has been awarded a prize by the British Psychological Society for achieving the highest result in the AQA A Level Psychology Exam in 2010. As one of Northwood College's top performers last year, Shreya achieved three A* grades in her A Levels (Biology, Maths and Psychology) plus an A grade for Chemistry. She is currently reading Medicine at Imperial College.Shreya's prize consists of the British Science Association Student Bursary to attend the Festival of Science, a copy of the Society's Book of the Year, a year's free student membership of the Society and a certificate. She will be formally presented with the award at the BSA Festival of Science, which takes place in Bradford, in September this year.
Jacqualyn Pain, Head Mistress of Northwood College said: 'We would like to congratulate Shreya on achieving this prestigious award for coming top in the country for her Psychology A Level mark. It really is an outstanding achievement.'