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Stonyhurst’s excellent GCSE results

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 25th of August 2016

Following on from some exceptionally strong IB results in July, and equally pleasing A Level results last week, staff and pupils at Stonyhurst have had a busy but happy morning, as GCSE results were published. 90% of all results were at C grade or above, with a pleasing 49% being A* or A grades. These are Stonyhurst’s second best GCSE results ever, and not far off the impressive record of 51% A*- A achieved last year. Amongst the top performers were Celina Guzkowska with 8 A*s and 3 As, and Jack Reynolds, Vincent Ng and Paloma Garcia Morgan, all three of whom achieved 8 A*s and 2 As. Headmaster John Browne commented: ‘these tremendous GCSE results reflect years of hard work and determination from our pupils, supported with such dedication by their families and by our talented teaching staff. We are very proud of their achievements.’ Schools across the UK are today reporting a significant decline in GCSE results, with this morning’s results being the lowest since 2008, so it is gratifying that Stonyhurst has once again bucked the national trend.
Stonyhurst’s excellent GCSE results  - Photo 1Stonyhurst’s excellent GCSE results  - Photo 2
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