Award-Winning Children’s Author Visits Bishop’s Stortford College
Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 17th of November 2016
Bishop’s Stortford College Prep School welcomed award-winning children’s author SF Said on 13th October. A record-breaking number of pupils turned up to the Form 1 and 2 book club meeting to listen to SF Said talk about his books, share their comments with him, and have their copies of his first novel Varjak Paw signed. The book club had been reading Varjak Paw and enjoyed discussing it in their meeting; SF Said remarked how much he enjoyed hearing pupils’ comments and said that it was ‘totally inspiring to meet so many young readers’. In the afternoon, SF shared some of his favourite stories with the Lower Third, Form 1 and Form 2 pupils, and pupils also shared some of theirs. The novelist inspired pupils, recounting how he was rejected by 40 publishers twice over, but was still determined to pursue his dream of becoming a successful writer, believing that ‘there is a story for everyone’. His first novel Varjak Paw was followed by a sequel; The Outlaw Varjak Paw, and his third book, Phoenix, is an epic myth set in space. SF Said wrote a blog post following his visit at