The Gregg School

Unicorn Walk for Maasai Children

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 6th of July 2011

54 Unicorn pupils walked 3 miles along the Ridgeway with 2 questions in their minds: 1. What's it like to have to walk that far to school every day (even without elephants in the way!) and 2. How much money could they raise for their friends at Mwalimu School, near Loliondo in Tanzania?

Unicorn teacher Mike Pickett who oversaw the exercise commented 'Walking an hour or more to an under-funded school, with the route possibly blocked by elephants along the way, is not that easy to comprehend. This not only helps do a little fundraising, but also helps to educate our pupils with a broader understanding of the world and its differing cultures.'

With some very generous support the Unicorn School is hoping to exceed £2,500 which can be sent directly to help Mwalimu School and their ongoing development.

Unicorn Walk for Maasai Children - Photo 1
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