Bowing out in style
Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 19th of July 2011
A black-tie banquet has been staged at Wisbech Grammar School to give departing members of the upper sixth form the opportunity to bow out in style.Dapper gentlemen and glamorous girls swanned in to the strain of the school's swing band and students and staff enjoyed the chance to reminisce with canapés and Pimm's on the headmaster's lawn.
The guests then moved indoors and tucked into a farewell feast cooked up by head of food and nutrition Mrs Alison Sloan and her talented team, which included a summer terrine, boeuf bourguignon and baked whole salmon, and a summer berry meringue tart helped to give a seasonal flavour to the sumptuous repast.
Head of sixth form Mr Deiniol Williams, who stage managed the occasion, highlighted the achievements of the students, and the head boy and head girl, Timothy Harrington and Sarah O'Hare, responded. Mr Williams then proposed a toast to all the leavers.
Deputy head Miss Christine Noxon said: 'This was a wonderful culmination to the students' years at Wisbech Grammar School. Some of them were our first entries into reception at Magdalene House and they have spent 14 years here.'