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Godolphin wins prestigious industry award for networking campaign,

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 19th of June 2017

Godolphin School has recently received recognition from the Institute of Development Professionals in Education (IDPE) for an innovative new campaign, GO Forward, which launched in 2015. The GO Forward programme provides valuable help and support for students as they leave Godolphin and embark on the next stage of their lives. By capitalising on a network of former students, past and current parents, teachers and governors, the programme supports current students in four important areas. The ‘GO Uni’ network provides practical help with university selection and student living. ‘GO Gap’ offers advice on planning, placements abroad and voluntary work from experienced travellers. ‘GO Work’ helps with job applications as well as work experience and placements and ‘GO Connect’ promotes the school’s online network of supporters willing to share their knowledge and expertise. The judges of the awards were particularly impressed by the way the programme brought a large network together with a common purpose to make a tangible difference to the educational experience of girls. Described as ‘a great brand initiative’ they also said this was ‘a good campaign that not only benefitted current pupils but involved alumnae too’. Speaking afterwards, Sarah Sowton, Head of Marketing & Alumnae at Godolphin said, ”We are thrilled to have won Engagement Campaign of the Year at the IDPE Awards Ceremony this week. The programme would never have succeeded if it wasn’t for our fantastic Alumnae network and other individuals within our school community who continue to be so generous with their advice and support. We are really grateful to everyone who has helped to put the programme together and we look forward to developing it further in the future.”
Godolphin wins prestigious industry award for networking campaign,   - Photo 1
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