
'We are Writers'

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 5th of August 2011

St Benedict's Junior School has issued its first ever book, an anthology of children's writing, under the title 'We are Writers.'

Teachers Clemency Stimpfig and Annie Colquhoun had the idea of setting up a Book Project and the results have exceeded their wildest expectations. 'We wanted to encourage our pupils to think creatively and shoot for the stars in terms of their literacy potential. We received a huge number of entries - poems, prose, letters and even gory recipes - from Pre-Prep One upwards. The children clearly enjoyed selecting and uploading their pieces, taking personal responsibility for their work. The standard of entry was high, making the selection process extremely difficult, and we have aimed for representation from across all age groups within the School. This literacy project has helped to raise the profile and standard of writing across the School and we owe a debt of gratitude to all of the teachers who gave help, time and advice to their classes to make this enterprise possible.'
'We are Writers' - Photo 1'We are Writers' - Photo 2
Merchiston School
Hallfield School
Queen Ethelburga's