Godolphin A-level Results 2017
Published on isbi School News dated Monday 21st of August 2017
Godolphin in Salisbury is celebrating another set of outstanding A-level results with its highest percentage of A* grades since 2012. Nearly 40% of all girls sitting the exams gained at least one A* and over half got at least one A grade. These results are all the more impressive in the face of national changes, making A-levels more demanding with no chance to re-take units sat in the Lower Sixth. “I am extremely pleased by Godolphin’s A-level results,’ said Head, Emma Hattersley. “They reflect a huge amount of dedication, support and hard work on the part of the students, their parents and our committed staff. Many congratulations to all involved.” Particularly strong results were returned in Art, Biology, Business, French, Food Technology, Geology, History, Music, PE and Physics which shows not only Godolphin’s strength in STEM but also in the wider curriculum. Head Girl, Anna van der Horst, did exceptionally well with three A*s and one A gaining her a place to study Engineering at Durham University. Other notable successes include Katie Henderson with two A*s and two As, earning her a place at Exeter University to study Engineering and Mimi Burt and Pippa Clemett who were both awarded two A*s and one A and gained places at Bath University (Architecture) and Bristol University (Geography) respectively. Catherine Galley also achieved an A*, two As and an A grade in her Extended Project Qualification, which focused on peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. She has been awarded a place at Exeter University to study International Relations. Exceptional progress since the start of the Sixth Form was shown by Olivia Carey-Hock, Sophie Hicks, Aleksandra Ovsiannikova, Emily Whitworth and Martha Wilmot-Sitwel. This year, nearly 90% of girls who applied got into their first choice university. Godolphin’s post A-level applicants have also done well, with 100% securing places in their first choice of university including Philippa Sumner who won a place at Oxford University to study Biological Sciences. Mrs Hattersley said, “As a result of these grades, yet again Godolphin’s leavers will be furthering their interest as students on an impressive range of courses, from Architecture, Finance and Science based degrees through to the study of Theology and the Arts - a reflection of the broad choice of A-level options on offer here and the varied strengths and talents of our sixth formers. It is very encouraging that the majority of the students have secured places at their first choice of university which is testament to the excellent higher education advice they receive and indeed the wider work of the careers department.” AS results were also extremely strong, indicating that the current Lower Sixth students have excellent potential for their A-level results next year. Nearly two thirds of all AS-levels were graded at A and 82% A-B.