The Gregg School

Excellent GCSE Results at Queen Margaret's School

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 5th of September 2011

Girls at Queen Margaret's School in Escrick are once again celebrating excellent GCSE results.

Over a quarter of entries were awarded an A* grade, with 84% of entries achieving an A*, A or B. A quarter of candidates achieved 10 (or more) A*/A grades.

Dr Paul Silverwood, Headmaster of Queen Margaret's School, commented:

'QM girls set themselves high standards and then work hard to exceed their own expectations. With the support of our staff, this year's GCSE candidates have produced a superb set of results of which they can be justly proud. The girls are now preparing for A Level courses in the Autumn across a broad range of academic disciplines. We wish them every success for their continuing education.'
Excellent GCSE Results at Queen Margaret's School - Photo 1Excellent GCSE Results at Queen Margaret's School - Photo 2Excellent GCSE Results at Queen Margaret's School - Photo 3
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