Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Lancaster Royal Grammar School pupils shine through

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 18th of October 2011

Lancaster Royal Grammar School has had another very successful A-level year, both for individual pupils and the school as a whole, with 75% of entries achieving grades A*, A or B, and 17% of entries gaining A* grades.

Headmaster Andrew Jarman said of the 160 candidates, the school's largest cohort ever: 'I am genuinely delighted for the boys. We had some concerns about this group two years ago as their performance at GCSE was modest. However, they worked hard in the Lower Sixth, gaining some promising AS scores and maintained their progress last year. This clearly demonstrates what can be achieved with the right positive attitude to Sixth Form study. It's also a great credit to the staff who encouraged and inspired them throughout.'

Mr Jarman went on to say: 'The most important aspect is that, with remarkably few exceptions, the boys have met their university entrance requirements. With fees due to climb significantly next year, this was especially important for this year group. Our congratulations and best wishes go with them.'

Lancaster Royal Grammar School pupils shine through - Photo 1
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