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Bake a difference!

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Some Gresham's Year 5 pupils were able to make a difference on Tuesday 1st November, when celebrity chef Chris Coubrough and one of his chefs, Kel, came to the School to show the pupils how to make sausage rolls, shortbread and carrot cake. In the space of an hour, over 100 delicious treats were baked by the pupils and then taken to Ainsworth Court in Grove Lane, Holt, and Kingsgate Retirement Home in Sheringham.

There, the pupils shared their treats with residents and spent time with them, chatting about all kinds of things. This initiative was in response to the national appeal to 'Make a Difference' this year. Over half term, all of the Gresham's Prep School pupils were invited to do something special to make a difference to the lives of others and the response was fantastic! There was plenty of cake baking, litter picking and even bat box making, all dreamt up by the pupils and carried out in their spare time.
Bake a difference! - Photo 1
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