Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Talk by Serge Seidlitz for Year 5

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 11th of November 2011

Artist, Serge, won over his young audience of Years 5 and 6 pupils with his opening gambit that he was one of those school boys who was always at odds with teachers as he preferred drawing in the back of his exercise book to anything else that was happening in the classroom. A decade on, Serge has put those early propensities to good use, as he now earns his living from his artistic ability and vivid imagination.

Serge is a book illustrator and silk screen artist. He particularly enjoys the labour intensive traditional silk screen printing process for producing images as each layer of paint is added with mounting tension and desire that the end product will appear crisp and

Employing technological opportunities now available, Serge is able to e-mail his designs to workers in Kathmandu and have them transformed into rugs or textiles. It is a win- win situation as the local women use the revenue gained from their employment to pay their children's school fees. And Serge, in return, has the satisfaction of seeing his ideas transformed!

Teachers who heard Serge's talk may well look upon their pupils' doodling in a new light but don't count on it!
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