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GCSE Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls excel inside and outside the classroom

Published by Mayfield School on Monday 20th of December 2021

Despite a year of great uncertainty Mayfield girls have once again excelled both inside and outside the classroom. Headmistress Miss Antonia Beary commented:

“I am immensely proud of how the whole Mayfield community has worked together this year and the girls’ achievements inside and outside the classroom. Encouraging the girls to balance a diverse range of GCSE exams with a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and community service has always been important at Mayfield, but this year it has been critical.

I have been impressed by the way in which, despite constraints, girls have been able to continue to be involved in activities and outreach within the local or wider community; making a positive difference while also becoming more independent, and increasingly resilient. Calmly and purposefully these girls have responded to the challenges and uncertainty they have had to deal with throughout their GCSE courses; supporting each other throughout. Great credit also goes to their teachers who have ensured minimum disruption to lessons, even when girls were not able to be in School.

I am confident that the grades the girls have achieved reflect their ability and how hard they have worked throughout their time in the Middle School. Just as importantly, we know that they are well-prepared to begin their A Level studies and take up leading roles as senior members of the School. As we return to some semblance of normality, I look forward to them contributing generously to the wider life of the School as new members of the Sixth Form.”

Isabel, from Uckfield, competes for Mayfield and Sussex in Athletics and Cross-country, as well as nationally in Triathlon. She was awarded Grades 7-9 in all of her nine GCSEs. She said: “I am really proud of my results. Mayfield has supported me to achieve a balance in both competitive sport and academic excellence, allowing me to be the best I can be."

Sissy, from Tunbridge Wells, is a talented singer/ songwriter and achieved grades 7-9 in all ten of her GCSEs. She said: “When I joined in Year 7, I never dreamed I’d receive results like I have today and be choosing Biology, Chemistry and History A levels. Every single teacher has given me the confidence to pursue subjects that might not be a natural choice for someone with dyslexia.”

Elizabeth, a boarder at Mayfield and Catholic Young Writer Award winner in 2020, achieved ten Grade 9s and one Grade 8. She said: “I’m delighted with my results and I am extremely grateful to all the staff and girls at Mayfield who were able to quickly adapt to the disruption of the last two years and support us through our GCSEs. I am very much looking forward to entering the Sixth Form and continuing to make the most of all the opportunities that Mayfield has to offer.”

Mia, from Crowborough, achieved ten Grade 9s and one Grade 8. Mia plays the clarinet and piano and during lockdown raised £170 by donating her hair to the Little Princess Trust. She said: “Given that this has been a difficult academic year I am overjoyed with my results and extremely grateful for all of the support my teachers have provided me with. All of the extra-curricular opportunities Mayfield has given me really helped me to balance my studies.”

Yueshi, a boarder from China, received the highest grade (9) in all 11 subjects. She said: “I am delighted with my straight 9s and I want to thank all the teachers and friends at Mayfield for my achievement as it would not have been possible without them! I am very excited to study History, French, English and History of Art in the Sixth Form. I am hoping to study a History degree at Oxford University and I believe the Oxbridge Programme at Mayfield will fully support and benefit me to achieve my full potential!”

Sophie, from Groombridge, balanced her studies with intensive training over lockdown, and received four Grade 9s, two Grade 8s and three Grade 7s. She said: "I am really proud of my results. They were only possible because of the support Mayfield and the GB World Class Start rowing team have given me over my GCSE years. I'm looking forward to continuing my studies at Mayfield and furthering my rowing career."

Mayfield offers an extensive Sixth Form curriculum, spanning the range of traditional academic subjects and a wide selection of creative and performing arts disciplines. Girls follow a tailored programme of study and, reflecting the rounded nature of a Mayfield education, many will balance a combination of arts and sciences. Mayfield has a tradition of cultivating academic excellence. Class sizes are small and inspirational teaching, from highly-qualified and dedicated staff, enables girls to flourish and excel.
GCSE Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls excel inside and outside the classroom  - Photo 1
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