The Gregg School

A Level Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls rise to the challenge

Published by Mayfield School on Monday 20th of December 2021

In what has been a challenging year for everyone, Mayfield girls have once again risen to the challenge and maintained the School’s high academic standards.

Mayfield’s Upper Sixth girls have secured places at leading universities to study a wide range of academic disciplines including Engineering, Modern Languages, Law, Chemistry, Physics, History of Art and Veterinary Medicine. The most popular university choices this year are Durham, Bristol, Exeter, Imperial and UCL with places also being secured at other prestigious universities including Cambridge, The Courtauld and University of Groningen.

Christie, a local day girl who came to Mayfield from Sir Henry Fermor C of E Primary School in Crowborough, achieved three A*s in Maths, Biology and Geography, and is going to study Earth and Planetary Science at Imperial. She said: "I am overjoyed with my results and am extremely grateful for the teachers at Mayfield, who have helped me so much over my seven years at the School. I can now begin to focus and look forward to university after what has been a unique Sixth Form experience, with lockdown and the pandemic. I have loved my time at Mayfield and will miss it very much."

Mary, from Tunbridge Wells, the eldest of three sisters at Mayfield, is going on to study Chinese at Durham having achieved a HSK level 4 in Mandarin, alongside two A*s and an A in Ceramics, Geography and Economics. She said: “I’m so glad Mayfield has given me the opportunity to pursue my passion for Chinese - I can’t wait to start my course.”

Olivia, who joined Mayfield in the Sixth Form, emerging as a dynamic member of the debating team and a social justice campaigner, achieved three A*s in Geography, History and Politics and is going to Bristol to study Politics and International Relations. She said: “Coming to Mayfield really helped me to grow in confidence. I have made lifelong friendships as well achieving excellent exam results, which I can take forward into the future with me.”

Monami, a boarder since Year 10, is delighted to be going to study Engineering at Pembroke College, Cambridge having achieved four A*s in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Art. An outstanding artist, Monami also has a successful equestrian career representing the school at the highest level, is a member of the school orchestra and with a penchant for creating furniture in her spare time. She said: “Mayfield has given me many opportunities and experiences and I am extremely grateful. I would also like to thank all the teachers who have been working so hard for us. Thanks to the support I’ve had from the school, I am now looking forward to the future with confidence and excitement.”

Olivia, a local day student and another keen rider, achieved a starred Distinction in the new BTec in Equine Management, alongside an A in PE and B in Psychology, and is going to study Business Management at Oxford Brookes. She said: “I loved my time at Mayfield, with sport and riding being a huge highlight for me. I will be forever grateful for all the friends and memories I’ve made and the help and support I’ve had since I joined in year 7.”

Fran, a stalwart of Mayfield’s Equestrian team, achieved three A*s in Psychology, History and Biology and is going to study Psychology at Bath. She said: “When I arrived at Mayfield in year 9, I would not have expected these results. The skill and warmth of the teachers at Mayfield, together with the opportunity to pursue my passion in riding has allowed me to achieve my full potential. I am so grateful to all my teachers, instructors and the boarding house staff for all the care, help and advice they have given me over the years.”

Headmistress Miss Antonia Beary commented: “I am proud of all that the girls have achieved under such unusual circumstances, and immensely grateful to all the dedicated Mayfield staff who have supported them in overcoming challenges and earning the grades they deserve. The last 18 months have not provided the usual preparation for A Level examinations, but I know how hard both girls and their teachers have worked to ensure that there has been as little disruption as possible to learning. It is to the girls’ great credit that they have continued to be proactive and engaged and made the most of the opportunities available to them, inside and outside the classroom. I am confident that the grades the girls have achieved reflect their ability and application: and they will provide them with the best possible preparation for the next stage in their lives.

This year’s leavers may have been faced with different challenges and uncertainties, but as ever, I am confident that each girl’s experiences, whether she has moved up through the School, or joined us in the Sixth Form, will have helped equip her with the intellectual and personal skills to go on to make her unique mark on society. While the last year may not have been what any of us was anticipating - and some have coped with considerable distress - the manner in which girls, staff and parents have responded as a community has been heartening. There are many positives that we take away from this experience and I am confident that this year’s Upper Sixth leave us ready to make the most of university life: able to work hard, contribute generously and enjoy life to the full.”

Mayfield offers an extensive Sixth Form curriculum, spanning the range of traditional academic subjects and a wide selection of creative and performing arts disciplines. Girls follow a tailored programme of study and, reflecting the rounded nature of a Mayfield education, many will balance a combination of arts and sciences. Mayfield has a tradition of cultivating academic excellence. Class sizes are small and inspirational teaching, from highly-qualified and dedicated staff, enables girls to flourish and excel.

Sixth Form students also benefit from a specialist Enrichment Programme, which promotes critical and independent thought, and intellectual enquiry beyond the curriculum, as well as a Life Skills course, which prepares girls for the future through the development of key employment and practical skills. Personalised higher education and careers advice and guidance is provided by specialist advisors to support girls in making excellent informed choices.
A Level Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls rise to the challenge  - Photo 1A Level Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls rise to the challenge  - Photo 2A Level Results 2021 - Mayfield Girls rise to the challenge  - Photo 3
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