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Year 7 Scholars – The age of the earth!

Published by Eltham College Junior School on Wednesday 19th of January 2022

Year 7 Scholars led by Mr Paul Angel, Head of Geology and Geography enjoyed a fascinating session on how exploring our understanding of the age of the earth has deepened with the advent of new technologies. Using maps to visit rock formations in Scotland the students were given, in a short time, a very effective understanding of “a long time”.

There were many excellent questions from the students and discussion including if the length of someone’s arm from shoulder to middle finger tip represented the age of the earth, where would the span of human existence be? If geological time was represented by one hour, how long would we have been around for?

The lesson forms part of the Scholars Programme which includes workshops and lectures overseen by our Head of Academic Scholarship, Mr Cavendish.
Year 7 Scholars – The age of the earth! - Photo 1
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