The Gregg School

Shop and Drop - at Waitrose in Abingdon!

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 16th of January 2012

Next month (February), The Unicorn School has been chosen by the Waitrose supermarket in Abingdon to be one of the 3 charities to benefit as part of their monthly Community Matters Scheme.

Each time you shop at Waitrose you are given a green token to drop into a box for your chosen charity from the 3 for that month. At the end of the month the money is divided up among the charities according to the proportion of tokens they have in their respective boxes..

So, when you shop at Waitrose in Abingdon next month please don't forget to drop your token into The Unicorn box and support the school.
Shop and Drop - at Waitrose in Abingdon! - Photo 1
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