Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Engineering and Tech Club

Published by Beachborough School on Tuesday 27th of September 2022

Co-Curricular clubs finished with a flourish this half term with both Engineering and Tech Club completing some lovely projects.

Form III and IV took to the skies, measuring and carefully cutting some great wing shapes on the electric saws to make their balsa wood gliders soar. With added decoration their completed aircraft were a truly colourful display of aeronautical imagination.

Tech Club mastered soldering, the majority of the group having never used a soldering iron before. Their enthusiasm for this new skill was
delightful to witness and resulted in them pretty much wanting to solder anything and everything they could! They were set the project of a USB light which although seemingly simple, tested many skills, not just soldering. From using hand saws to cut the blocks for the base, to
designing and laser cutting precise acrylic parts to cover it and soldering the circuit board required, the finished set of lights from cars to stars and dragons to slayers were very impressive. Well done to all the children involved in the clubs.

Report by Cam Hodgkinson
Engineering and Tech Club - Photo 1
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