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Winter Sports Activities for Children

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 16th of November 2022

Winter is upon us which only means one thing: cold, wet, dull days wrapped up in blankets and warm cosy clothes. Keep your children occupied through these cold months by discovering some of our favourite sports activities we know your kids will enjoy.

Finding things to do to keep active in the winter can be hard and limited due to the cold, wet weather, but there are still plenty of things to do with a bit of inspiration! Here at our independent day school, we are well-versed in discovering all the best ways to enjoy the great outdoors throughout the year. Here are our top sporty activities, perfect for you and the kids this winter.

Ice Skating for Children

As Christmas gets closer, ice skating becomes more popular again, with rinks popping up all around. Get stuck in and glide along the ice all whilst getting in the festive spirit! It doesn’t matter if your child is a beginner or a pro in the making, ice skating is the perfect activity for everyone to enjoy.

Not only is ice skating a fun activity for all the family, but there are also many benefits:

-It helps to build strength.
-It helps to develop confidence.
-It teaches the value of perseverance.
-It increases balance.
-It aids in the development of motor coordination.
-It provides a thrill and an unbeatable happiness boost!

So why not head down to your local rink and try a bit of skating this winter? Even if you struggle to let go of the sides, it’s all part of the fun!

Dry Slope Skiing and Snowboarding for Children

At this time of year skiing and snowboarding are both popular sporting events. In the UK we are limited with locations to ski; this is why dry slopes have become so popular over the years. Unless your child is already skilled on the slopes, they will most likely need to have lessons. Skiing and snowboarding are brilliant for giving your whole body a workout whilst having a great time gliding down the slopes.

Learning to ski and snowboard as a child is great and can be much easier compared to learning as an adult. As they are closer to the ground, they have a much lower centre of gravity which helps them to keep their balance. Not only can this sport improve your child’s balance, but also their agility, neuromotor coordination and confidence.

Just like ice skating this activity is also something for the whole family to enjoy and get involved with!

Winter Surfing for Children

You may think that it would be far too cold for surfing; however, with the right thickness wetsuit, the surfers of the world know that this time of year is the best! Winter weather creates bigger, more consistent waves to surf. Sign your child up to a surf school or take them out in the sea with you and watch them gain new skills throughout winter.

Just like ice skating, skiing and snowboarding, surfing has many benefits for your child including:

-A great cardiovascular workout.
-A sport your child can continue with all year round.
-Teaches your child balance and coordination.
-Anxiety and stress relief.
-Builds muscle strength.

Whether you decide to join in on these fun activities with your child or just watch from the side, each one of these sports is a great way for your child to keep fit and entertained this winter!
Winter Sports Activities for Children - Photo 1Winter Sports Activities for Children - Photo 2
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