The Gregg School

St Benedict's Junior School Pupils Go for Goals!

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 23rd of February 2012

St Benedict's Junior School pupils had an exciting start to 2012 with their PSHCE/SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) theme, 'Going for Goals.'

Every pupil and member of staff was encouraged to set themselves a goal for the half term and a tally was kept on a display board in the Junior School Hall. The culmination came during the weekly Thursday assembly on 16th February, when the goals were announced and everyone waited with bated breath to see how many pupils and staff had reached their goals. It turned out to be just about everyone!

The goals ranged from Headmaster Mr Simmons running 10km in under 50 minutes to keeping bedrooms tidy and not annoying little brothers and sisters. Deputy Head Mrs Monica McCarthy even put her fears behind her and managed to roller skate! Lots of times tables were learnt and handwriting improved beyond recognition! Mrs McCarthy commented, 'We are so proud of the achievements that were made and it just goes to show that Henry Ford was right when he said: 'If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.''
St Benedict's Junior School Pupils Go for Goals! - Photo 1
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