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Magnificent Music Makers

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 17th of February 2023

What a great week of live performance musicianship from West House boys in Reception to Year 6.  Mid-term always sees our focus on individual performances, and this week’s Teatime concert was no exception: 28 great performers on 11 different types of instrument.  The audience of parents showed their enjoyment – smiling faces and warm applause.  With so many performers, we split our music assembly into two halves so that all the boys could play to their fellow pupils.  Even so, many potential performers would have to wait to the next opportunity.  Luckily this is coming up soon in the form of the Inter-House Music Competitions for Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6.  We need plenty of soloists to apply to perform to gain points for their house.  Get practising, boys!

Magnificent Music Makers - Photo 1Magnificent Music Makers - Photo 2Magnificent Music Makers - Photo 3
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