Duke of York's Royal Military School

Excellent Conditons For School Ski Trip

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 6th of March 2023


Last half term was anything but a rest for some of our staff, as they accompanied large groups for some really spectacular school trips.  As well as a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Iceland, we were delighted to restart the school ski trips and this one, the first since COVID, did not disappoint!

51 students from Year 8 and 9 enjoyed half term, skiing the slopes of Austria. They travelled to Alpendorf, Austria for five days of skiing and evening activities. With 30 beginners, the first few days were mainly learning the ropes before ascending the mountain. The trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all and the conditions were excellent, with a good amount of snow and sunny spells.


As always with group trips, no one gets away with a spectacularly ungainly fall or mishap without it being noticed and the party created the ‘Duck of the Day’ which was on hand to be awarded in the evenings for just such occasions!

Winners included those who had the most spectacular falls, or for amusing comments or, on one particular occasion, for getting stuck in a slide.


The ski instructors for our five groups were excellent and allowed even the best skiers to improve their technique. Another highlight each day was the Austrian food that was available on the mountain.

In addition to the skiing, pupils enjoyed a pizza evening, swimming, a trip to the ‘Lucky Flitzer’ roller coaster and a games evening run by WBS staff. We managed to escape Calais, even though strikes were happening on our return and arrived safely back at school on Saturday.


Of course, none of these trips can take place without the meticulous planning and care and attention of our amazing staff. It’s bad enough doing an overnight sitting up on a bus without having to look after 51 children!  So, we have to say a huge thank you to those who took care of the students and we’re glad that they managed to take a bit of time to enjoy the wonderful conditions and stunning landscape of the Austrian mountains.

Excellent Conditons For School Ski Trip - Photo 1Excellent Conditons For School Ski Trip - Photo 2Excellent Conditons For School Ski Trip - Photo 3
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