
Royal Russell School Pupils Enjoy Cambridge University Maths Roadshow - March 2012

Published on isbi School News dated Wednesday 7th of March 2012

Enjoying maths! Well that is just what the Years 7 & 8s were doing last week, thanks to the hugely popular and stimulating Cambridge University Hands-On Maths Roadshow.

It is the maths roadshows intention to promote the enjoyment of mathematics with a collection of hands-on mathematical puzzles, games and activities such as a Giant SOMA Cube, Tangrams, Domino and Counter games, Tower of Hanoi, Instant Insanity, Logic Puzzles, Strategy games, Aunty's Teacups, and Cube Puzzles to name but a few.

The pupils enjoyed the experience tremendously, pushing them to use their problem solving and thinking skills, as each session came to an end even those who don't hold maths at the top of their most loved subjects left wanting more.

The message was very clear - maths definitely does not have to be boring! For further information on this roadshow and other related events please see the NRICH website www.nrich.maths.org

Royal Russell School Pupils Enjoy Cambridge University Maths Roadshow - March 2012 - Photo 1Royal Russell School Pupils Enjoy Cambridge University Maths Roadshow - March 2012 - Photo 2Royal Russell School Pupils Enjoy Cambridge University Maths Roadshow - March 2012 - Photo 3
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